Solar Ground Mount Details
The MRac GT1 Ground Solar Mounting System, with its adjustable base, is aptly designed for large-scale and utility-scale photovoltaic power plants. Manufactured from hot-dip galvanized Q235B steel, the main components demonstrate exceptional structural strength, stability, and resistance to corrosion. This system is compatible with diverse solar modules, contributing to its adaptability. A patented and certified design ensures the safety of the projects while facilitating a swift installation process.
System Compatibility
Suitable for different kinds of lands with high use ratio With MRac module clamps, the system compatible with most kinds of framed 60-cell, 72-cell, half-cut cells modules and frameless modules.
Pre-assembled Components Save Onsite Installation Time
Solution design case by case, most components pre-assembled in factory, no onsite cut and drill request, saving the onsite installation time and cost.
Flexibility and Adjustability
The structure can be adjusted with some tolerance with east-west, west-south and south-north directions, assuring flexible on-site installation to achieve best yield for solar modules.