Mibet Cordially Invites You to the All-Energy Australia 2023 Exhibition

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On October 25-26, the All-Energy Australia Exhibition will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Mibet team is fully prepared and will showcase various PV mounting products on site. We look forward to interacting with you at Booth L139.

Mibet Cordially Invites You to the All-Energy Australia 2023 Exhibition

Mibet Booth Design

The All-Energy Australia Exhibition is well-received by locals and those from neighboring countries and regions, enjoying the attention of Chinese exhibiting companies over the years. As one of the exhibitors, Mibet will continue to explore the Australian market and sustain our participation in energy exhibitions worldwide.

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Xiamen Mibet New Energy Co., Ltd.
Address:No. 45 Sushan Road, Jimei District, Xiamen, China. 361024 Fax:+86-592-6771575
Tel:+86-592-3754999 Email:sales@mbt-energy.com Afters-sales service:service@mbt-energy.com